June 6, 2009

Its been ages

Well, I've been so lazy to update a new post. No, I have not been busy with Uni or whatsoever. Its just the laziness took over me. So I went to University of Malaya on 25th of May to register. The first couple of days were terrible ! I couldn't adapt with the atmosphere. Not to mention, my room. I was assigned in a room on the 7th floor which coincidentally, is my favourite number. Haha. The first time I stepped in the room, my face straight away cringed. Not only it was stuffy and dusty, my first impression on room mate was that she's a weirdo. I forced/dragged myself in, settling my stuffs and making a friendly face to my new room mate. Sigh.

But then, on the third day, I started to make friends with a lot of people. And I found my circle of friends who I can totally blend in. So there are Noor, Ika and Deenda. They were the most normal girls there. Haha. Oh and my room mate turned out not that bad after all. So thats why they said dont judge a book by its cover. Elin, my room mate is normal actually. Not a weirdo at all. Thank God :] One week passed by so swiftly. I was so occupied the first week as it was Orientation Week. I was selected to perform on the Performance Night on Friday. I had to dance a traditional dance, Zapin. Alot happened actually but I dont really have the mood to jot down every single detail. Like how I was highly annoyed with this girl who was selected to dance with my group. Second week arrived and we received our schedule. Which turned out to be not pack at all. I thought we would be so busy when the classes start but I was wrong. And Im glad that I was wrong. We only have like, a few classes to attend. Despite the already few classes, the classes were always cancelled due to the lecturers' decision to not show up. So this week, all I did was having fun. Went back home after class on Monday. Went back to UM on Tuesday night. Went to 2hours class on Wednesday morning. My friends went out that afternoon with their boyfriends. So I called Zhr and asked him to come. Lucky me that I owned the nicest boyfriend on earth, he came later on. We went to Times Square, dont ask why. Watched Terminator for about half an hour and fell asleep in the cinema. It was so boring ! Zhr sent me back to UM at 2300. The next morning, Zhr came again. We went to KLCC and watched Hannah Montana. This time I was wide awake because I really enjoyed the movie. Though it was just another Disney's typical movie, but I loved it. Asked Zhr to drive me back home because I was missing Mommy so much. He being his good boyfriend self, drove me to my house and the whole house screamed when I stepped inside. They were surprised that I came back. Haha. Zhr sent me back to UM at around 2300. The next morning, which was today, Friday morning, we were supposed to have class at 9. So my friends and I walked to class together and the whole class waited for like, an hour or so. Finally we were informed that today's class was cancelled. So us girls walked back to the cafeteria and had breakfast. I called Mommy to informed her that the class was cancelled. So mommy asked me to get ready because she was coming to pick me up later. So thats about it I guess. Oh one more thing, my performance went well though we screwed up during the rehearsal. But hey, we did it that night and we all enjoyed all the late night practices till 2 in the morning at the Gazebo with the coolest coaches ever, Abang Udean and Abang Phat :) So thank you, guys :)

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