April 21, 2012

Of family and cleaning up

My support system <3
They can make me feel better about everything, anytime. Even if both my brothers are far away from home, but just a call or a Facetime call can make me happy.

I have one more month until my finals. That means, I have all my deadlines due within these 4 weeks. Which means I have less time to blog and procrastinate. My life has been pretty hectic lately. A little haywire too, you can say. I haven't even studied anything yet, I have 4 more assignments to complete and I got a B+ on one of my test. How uncool is that?! Last week everything was just too stressful for me and I bursted. Everything just seems to be not right for me at that time, both study-wise and social-wise, and I couldn't help but to cry. So after I cried my heart out that day, I sort of woke myself up and determined to make everything right again. To be back on track. So I took out my calendar, mark the important dates like, deadlines and presentations and I jotted down the exact dates and days when I have to complete my assignments. I know it sounds like nothing but to me, being organized like that made me feel better.  Then  I set the dates when I need to go for site visits for my assignments. I even cleaned my bathroom and room, just to feel a lot better. I felt like crap and after organizing everything, I felt so relieved. 

I don't know what it is, but I have this thing when I feel so out of place and so restless, all I need to do is clean up and organize everything to feel better. Anyways, yesterday was one of my assignments' deadline and Alhamdulillah, my group members and I safely submitted the work right on time. Phewww!

Now 4 more assignments, 4 more presentations and then my final exams!
Oh gosh...


The morning dew said...

who don't you make use of the helpful iCal on your mac? and sync it with your iphone (if you use it). iCal keeps me on track!

Ayeen Kadir said...

Really? Omg how do I start? How do I use it? Teach meee!