"The ugliest eyebrows I've ever seen", he said.
Give the girl a break, it was her first time! Honestly, there's nothing wrong with her new brows. I totally adore them. They're so much better than the previous ones. Maybe he was just playing around but hey, brows are important to me. I would snap if MY boyfriend said that to me. So, Zahir...
We didn't plan to meet actually but since my brows are getting a little bit haywire up there, I decided to go fix them up. I remembered Fara telling me she'd never tried threading before and she was kind of interested to try, I straight away BBM-ed her when I was still in class. Luckily our class ended at the same time today. And I'm glad I chose today to go because my brows turned out pretty great than my previous visits. I only go to this one place in Taipan called Neeta's every time I need help to sort my brows out. But today, a different lady was in charge because the one who always does my brows was on MC. After this new woman, Selvi, was done with my brows, I fell in love with her!! Okay, not literally but you get what I mean right? My brows always turned out to be so thin or the right is not the same shape as the left and sometimes I even cried of pain when I pay them a visit. Not today though. Selvi was very good, not a single hint of pain and she's so friendly! I straight away asked her name so I can book her next time I call for an appointment.
See my brows? So not balanced and messy, I don't even know how I can go out in public like that for a couple months -___-'
I don't know if you guys can see any difference but if you really focus, there ARE differences :p
I don't know if you guys can see any difference but if you really focus, there ARE differences :p
While I was calm and happy, Fara was struggling in that tiny room. She couldn't sit still because it was her first time. I would just walk away and leave her there pretending I didn't know her if I don't love her as much as I do. She moved too much that Selvi accidentally pulled the string too hard and caused Fara's eyelid to bleed a little. She insisted it didn't hurt though.
I'm so happy because it's my first time walking out of the salon without any problems with my brows. So I figured Selvi (and my new brows) deserves one whole post in my blog!
hey ayeen...
nice ye bows...
owh! ada org baru? selvi eh...
i normally did it with Vijay if m not mistaken...
btw, great blog!!!! :D
Hey Kak Amy! Thanks, yeap. Vijay is the really tall girl kan? Before this pn Ayeen slalu dgn dia. But Vijay ni she said she's always there on weekends je. Aww, thanks Kak Amy! Your blog is nice too!! :D
yes ayeen...
vijay is the tall, slim girl...
maybe next tyme i'll try selvi..
but taipan pkg teruk gilsss...
thx for dropping by ayeen
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