March 11, 2011


Both my parents really want their daughters to get fatter than we already are. They went to Langkawi last weekend and came back with a whole lorry of chocolates. Not that I'm complaining.. I love chocolates and I get so excited when I have chocolates in my refrigerator at all times so I can munch them any time I want, as much as I pleased. But as if it isn't obvious, chocolates do fatten people up. That's what I've been worrying about since last Sunday when Mom opened up her luggage full of chocolates. Mostly were Hershey's Kisses.

I said to myself that I will control myself from all these temptations. Not that I'm on a diet or anything but chocolates everyday? I don't think so. But then I saw these..

I was like, whaatttt?!! How can I resist these things?? They are my favourites and Mom knows it. Especially those Reese's peanut butter cups! I love them so much and Mom bought two packets of those. I straight away opened up the packages, forget all about 'I won't let chocolates win over me' and stuff my face with them.

The next day, Mom asked me to try a chocolate bar. I was so caught up with Reese's and Mars that I pay no attention to other chocolates Mom brought back. So I tried this Almond Gold bar and..

I'm in love!!!!! I've been eating this bar every single day. I just couldn't resist!

So, be ready to see me on Bigger's Loser Asia next season! :p

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